Multicultural Celebration and Potluck

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Please join us here at Salmon Bay for the multicultural celebration and potluck, hosted by our wonderful FOSB!

Evening Enrollment Tour

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Tour for prospective families.

Winter Marimba Concert

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Please join us for a musical display by our Middle School Marimba Band!

Enrollment Tours

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

A tour of the school for prospective families.

Picture Retake Day

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Please be sure you click the link below to order! Also, remind your student to return any unwanted photos for complimentary retake.

MS Fall Block Party

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

MS Fall Celebration

FOSB Fall Festival

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Carnival styled games in cafetorium.

Costume Drive

Salmon Bay K-8 1810 NW 65th St., Seattle

Come take a gander at previously loved costumes that have been donated by our community and take them home!!