Salmon Bay K-8

Salmon Bay
Student Life


Salmon Bay Athletics

Salmon Bay K-8 has a 6th – 8th grade Athletics Program. We operate on a no-cuts policy! All student athletes are welcome to join the fun.

Here’s a list of the sports typically offered during school year. Each coach will provide a team roster and a schedule of the games as soon as they are available. We do not hold practices on Professional Development days or on Wednesdays (school staff meeting days).

Sport Teams include:

Fall:  Girls Soccer, Co-ed ultimate
Winter:  Boys/Girls Basketball
Spring:  Girls Volleyball, Co-ed Track, Boys Soccer, Non-district League Ultimate Frisbee

For the most up-to-date information including game schedules, scores, and announcements please check out the Salmon Bay Athletics Hub!

Program Philosophy

Middle school sports are a great way to meet new friends, learn skills and techniques and learn how to participate on a team. Even if you have not ever played a sport, this is a wonderful opportunity to try a new activity.

While we do like to win our games, Salmon Bay School’s sports teams are based on the philosophy of having fun, learning how to improve as a player and a team member, and learning how competitive sports work.

We work as a school to help students take risks as athletes and enjoy the benefits of personal and team accomplishment.

Athletic Registration & Requirements

  • Student must be assigned to the school for which he/she is playing.
  • A private and/or home-schooled student may play for the neighborhood public school they would be assigned to if the private school does not have a team that competes with other schools.
  • Note: it shall be the “receiving schools” responsibility to insure that the private and/or home-school student meets all the requirements.
  • Completed application including parent/guardian consent
  • Current (within one school year) physical examination prior to participating any practice or game.
  • Student must be maintaining a 2.0 academic GPA in every class on game day:
    • Students must complete a “Student Athlete Progress Report” not earlier than the day before a game.
    • For Special Ed students only: IEP team will be involved in final decisions regarding eligibility of special education students.
    • The report must be signed by every teacher
    • In addition, the student and a designated administrator must sign the report.
    • All coaches must carry copies of signed progress reports with them to the athletic event.
  • Student must not be under any disciplinary action on game day: expulsion, suspension, in-school suspension, after-school detention and/or any other behavioral eligibility rules determined by the school: i.e. assigned to Saturday School for behavioral issues.
  • Student cannot be absent from school for any or part of game day except for extraordinary circumstances. Examples of extraordinary circumstances would be attendance at a funeral or a dental emergency. The principal will make the final determination.
  • Student meets Team Coach’s rules:
    • Student fulfills practice requirements
    • Student attends study table/academic Saturday School
    • “Citizenship or Sportsmanship” rules that are established by the coach

Physical Forms are available below or in the main office.

Before participating in Seattle School Public Schools athletic program, a physical is required. A physical is good for 2 years. If you will participate in one or more of the above sports offerings, a physical form filled-in by your doctor is due by the first practice of the season, please turn in to the main office.

Middle School Athlete Forms

Use the following guide to register your student for athletic programming. Once complete, these forms should be forwarded to the school where your student is participating.

Student Athletic Forms

Step 1: Athletic Registration Forms

Print, complete and return forms to school. Please note, high school and K-8/middle school students complete the same form.


Student Athletic Registration Forms

  • Registration forms are valid for one school year only

Step 2: Physical Exam Form


Student-Athlete Medical Forms

  • The HISTORY document (Page 1) should be completed and remain with your provider
  • The EXAM document (Page 2) should be completed and remain with your provider
  • The MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY document (Page 3) should be the only item submitted to your school
  • Physicals are valid for 24 consecutive months

Step 3: Program Guardian Release & Warning Forms

All forms are required. 

Step 4: Sport-Specific Guardian Release & Warning Forms

For each school year, one form is required for each sport student will participate.

Step 5: Guardian Awareness Forms

Print, complete and return forms to school.

Information sheets should be read and referred to throughout the year, but Information sheets do not need to be turned in to the school.

Additional District Resources and Forms

Student Athletic Handbook

Middle School and K-8 Athletics Handbook

Enrollment/Cross-Enrollment – Athletics Only

This checklist is for students who wish to participate with their neighborhood school’s athletic programs but are either not enrolled within the district OR who current district students needing to be cross-enrolled from their alternative high school. If any questions about the checklist, please contact the athletic school where your student would be participating.

Athletics Only Checklist  

Student Insurance

Seattle Public Schools makes available a student accident insurance program that can be tailored to your family’s needs. To learn more about available plans/enrollment or to ask additional questions, visit the District’s Risk Management Department link below.

Student Insurance Information

District Policies

Student Participation Fees: “Pay to Play” fees have been discontinued. Check with your school for any other additional fees.