Anita Garcia Morales: Authentic Conversations Across Differences
Summary : An evening with Anita Garcia Morales exploring “authentic conversations across differences.”

Anita Garcia Morales: Authentic Conversations Across Differences
Anita Garcia Morales, Racing to Equity co-founder and Salmon Bay K-8 staff mentor on restorative justice and cultural humility, invites our school community to join together on Wednesday, May 14th from 6:30 – 8:00pm in our school library for an evening exploring “authentic conversations across differences.”
She will provide insight, offer guidance, and facilitate an interactive exercise and discussion to deepen our awareness, sensitivity, and humility concerning our respective cultural situatedness to strengthen our practices of listening and speaking to others across differences.
Anita would love to hear and consider your questions, thoughts, and/or stories related to this topic in advance of the event. Share your questions, thoughts, and/or stories related to this topic with Anita in advance of the event here.. There will also be opportunities for sharing during the event.
Free childcare and pizza is available for potty-independent kids of adult(s) attending the event. Sign-up for childcare to guarantee a spot. Walk-ins welcome, space permitting.
If available, please volunteer here to help the event run smoothly.
This event is organized by the Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB) Parent Information Exchange Committee (PIE) with the generous support of the Racial Equity Fund (REF). Contact: Sylvia Loh,