Salmon Bay K-8

Salmon Bay
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Building Leadership Team (BLT)

Salmon Bay Building Leadership Team

The Building Leadership Team (BLT) is made up of administration, staff, and parents from Salmon Bay K-8. This group maintains two-way communication with their represented groups and makes decisions regarding the school’s Continuous School Improvement Plan, professional development plan, and budget.

BLT Meeting Notes

BLT Attendance: Ms. Dixon, Sam, Tejara, Rachel, Amy G, Carol, Amy A.

Agenda/Discussion Topics:  

  1. Budget cont’d  

Discussion Topics Include:


  • If there are classes to be moved around, we need to consider the class sizes as well as elective choices.
  • We may have .1 FTE available and to allocate to science 6 teacher.
  • If .2 goes to science, it will be a full time position.
  • If it goes back to math, then we can keep ELL Specialist
  • If mitigation is approved, we can keep visual arts.  BLT rep to create proposal.

Next Steps

BLT to share with staff at All- staff meeting on 3/13/2024 after finalizing draft of scenarios.

We will gather staff input and questions and get answered ASAP. BLT to meet again on 3/18/2024 to review staff inquires and statements.


Attendance: Ms. Dixon, Christina D., Wendy, Rachel, Charles, Tejara, Sam, Amy G., Carol, Ticely


  • Budget Allocations
  • Scenarios to present to staff
  • Q & A


  • 13 HR in middle school and missing 2.5 teachers.
  • We do not have FTE for 7th grade math teacher, no FTE for Rachel’s position and only .5 for ELA.
  •  Request for mitigation was put in.
  • All schools need to complete a configuration of their classes and have turned in by Friday 3/15/2024.
  • .5 allocation can only be for K-3.
  • FOSB was able to get 60k to 83k. They are hoping to get up to 100k. That would be allocated to theater/ exploratory teacher, but we still need the rest of the funding.
  • Monday, 3/18 we get the mitigation, then we need to write proposal and submit Thursday 3/21.
  •  Can theater be a K-8? If we dissolved visual art?


  • Can we have 3rd/ 4th grade walk to’s?
  • i.e., 3rd graders only going to 3rd grade math (for only an hour) and the rest they teach 4th grade? No.
  • If our numbers fill up, do we lose the teacher or will have they have the right to return.
  • What do we do in September if we have more students then what’s allotted to a teacher?
  • Why would we not be able to accept new students throughout the year? Is it being closed through out the year? What is the policy?
  • Add .1 to nurse
  • Can theater replace visual art as an elementary PCP? .4 for middle school and .6 for all elementary?
  • 4 PCP K-8 (PE, PE, Theater, Music)
  • 10.5 Middle School FTE (If we could fund 1.5 FTE this would retain 12 middle school core teachers)
  • Can we do Visual Art in classrooms (they do anyways) and rearrange theater?


Here are the thoughts from teacher:

There is another potential way to maintain team structure a bit…but it would have a couple positions move to .5 and I am not sure if that is allowed. Because the 7th grade is small and there are currently at least 6 kids who will not take 7th grade math next year, you could have a .6 7th grade math teacher who teachers 3 sections of 7th grade (or 7/8 whatever) math. With 94 7th graders minus the ones in higher math and the ones in Special Education math, you really only need 3 sections. This of course would only work if our enrollment did not increase at that grade but in theory if it increases by 10 or more students and we are full at 6th and 8th perhaps that would trigger another FTE and you could then go back to 1.0 7th grade math.

You could do this same thing with 7th grade ELA maybe? Have someone as a .6 teach 3 classes and then have 6th ELA or I teach one section of 7th grade ELA instead of an elective.

There could also be a scenario where theater/ exploratory teacher taught those 3 sections of 7th grade ELA and then 2 sections of theater and theater tech keeping her a 1.0, with .6 CORE and .4 PCP.

Here is a way you could reduce two positions to .5 and *maybe* make a team structure work. I am not sure though if a reduction of two positions is even allowed like this.

CORE= allocation=10.5

4, 6th grade core

3.5  olympic core: Science, SS, ELA, 7th grade math is a .5

3.5 cascade core: Science, SS, 8th grade math, .5 7th grade ELA

= 11 CORE, so still .5 over. Maybe you reduce (math 6 teacher or science 6 teacher to a .9 and take the .1 and apply that to Robotics or Kitchen Science (not sure on requirements there but math 6 teacher filled out the paperwork he said) that would take you down to .4 over…maybe find a way to use that .2 ELL….I dunno

PCP (4 for school): allocation=4

  1. PE- MS
  2. PE- elem

.9 Music

.1 EIM

  1. Theater

.6 Art- ES

= 4.5, so a .5 ask from FOSB

The nurse I read is funded through a different thing. What funds can we apply towards the nurse?

2nd Scenario

  • Allocation 4 (middle school 2.5, elementary 1.5)
  • EIM .1 combo with .9
  • CTE .1, goes with ???
  • Art elementary .6
  • Music .9
  • PE (1 elementary, 1 middle)
  • theatre (.5 middle) FOSB ask .3 or extra money

total: 4.5

Other News:

  • 8th grade promotion will now be on June 17th. Rehearsal in morning, followed by Picnic at Golden Gardens, and return to Salmon Bay via walking.
  • 5th grade promotion remains 6/18
  • Any new incoming funds put in baseline budget.

In attendance: Ms. Dixon, Rachel, Sam, Charles, Barbara, Christina, Casey, Akash, Wendy, Tina, Carol, Amy G., Ticely, Tejara


  • CSIP review
  • Budget updates
  • SB Community Charter 
  • BLM week/Black History Month
  • PD 
  • School Logo 
  • State Testing & CPR Training

CSIP Updates

  • Adjusted on culturally responsive strategies.

Budget Allocations

  • Stipends
  • SEF Grant
  • PTO/FOSB- Equity Restorative Practice
  • Creative Advantage- Art Programming

Homework Policy

  • Made updates to homework policy on page 10.

Budget Update

  • Principal will receive budget updates tomorrow (2/6/2024) on what to expect for 24-25 school year budget.
  • Concern in K-3. Unsure if we will be allotted 14 teachers. Team leaders to share this information amongst teams and have further discussion.
  • Middle School typically short 2 teachers
  • Need additional reading specialist.
  • Meet with budget analyst.
  • Nurse inquire through health services.
  • Looking to add more CTE classes
  • Depending on the enrollment of 7th/ 8th graders in CTE classes will determine how much FTE that district will possibly provide to us.

SB Community Charter

  • Charter is in review.
  • Student Handbook passages were used to assist in creation of charter.
  • Parent reps to join All Staff meeting on February 14th to give parent voice in charter.
  • Present to staff at meeting
  • Ask FOSB Chairs to attend meeting.

BLM Week/ Black History Month

  • Teams shared what they will be doing in class.
  • Teacher to send Principal what k-5 has planned for lessons.

Professional Development

  • Ordering books for Special Education: The Behavior Code, The Behavior Code Companion, and Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Pupils w/ PDA
  • Sharing these tools with Gen Ed teachers and collaborate for shared language/ strategies.

School Logo

  • Principal reached out to our Native families and will be expanding the search to come up with a new school logo.
  • FOSB came up with an IA app to create school logo.

State Testing/ CPR Trainings

  • Starts March through June

Promotion Ceremonies

  • 8th grade promotion tentative date: June 20th at 7- 8:30 pm at Ingraham

5th grade promotion tentative date: June 18th at Salmon Bay; time TBD

In Attendance: Ms. Dixon, Casey, Ticely, Tejara, Charles, Margaret (In place of Carol), Tina, Amy A., Wendy, Amy G., Sam


  • Budget – Taking back to teams hiring tutors during the school day for extra reading/math support and using out of playground supervisor budget from FOSB
  • MS Schedule – Tejara went over training that was taken ¼-1/5. Was told we are the only “team based” school. We need to zero in on which years which curriculum is being taught. Also, went over transcript errors. Tejara will go to training/meeting on Friday 1/12 and see if these errors can be fixed and if so will reach out for help in checking all 7th and 8th grade transcripts for errors.
  • Staff Survey – Went over numbers from the staff survey and would like to connect with staff on green day to see in areas that were low how to fix those areas. Ms. Dixon asks that Leaders also speak with their teams. Ask “what are the concerns” and jot down possible resolutions.
  • Community Charter – Akash went over the draft of the community charter. Would like to determine next steps. Akash will reach out to a parent that would like help and Ms. Dixon spoke with FOSB regarding charter. Target date will be sometime in February. Looking at presenting February st. Will confirm with staff meeting at next green day.
  • FOSB – looking to pay staff for attending things outside of school hours. Scholarship money is looking good for SEP and they raised $88k for direct giving (matching funds have not been calculated yet)
  • District Budget – went over district deficit and positions that may need review. SB is attending the enrollment fair and will voice on behalf of Salmon Bay.
  • Walk-Throughs – Went through the walk-through forms for teachers/staff to give feedback. Need to get academic stats up as Choice Schools will be on the table for funding.

In Attendance: Ms. Dixon, Tejara, Ticely, Carol, Charles, Rachel, Tina, Christina D., Amy G., Akash, Sam, Amy A.


  • Welcome
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • School Family Charter
  • PD: Managing Behavior
  • Others? 
  • Q/A


Managing Behavior

  • Parents reached out to discuss what we are doing in response to racial comments being made at school? Informed about the charter and restorative practices.
  • Expressed concern: Teachers have too much responsibility handling student issues and would like the office to handle.
  • Discussion on what would be the flow chart for student issues depending upon the whereabouts and situations. (i.e., lunch, recess, in class)
  • MS has handled in class, for Special Education reach to case manager (counselor if case manager us unavailable, admin)

School Family Charter

  • Microaggressions- place in a format to share final thoughts with staff. Would like a team meeting with families to explain how we are handling racial equity, microaggressions, and invite them to sign at conferences.
  • QR code for K-5 to sign at Friday Sing (January)
  • FOSB changing meeting time. Will they offer childcare if not? (Attempt for larger attendance)
  • Reflections- creating a panel after 4 reflections to reflect and create a plan moving forward.
  • Ms. Dixon to reach out to Ballard/Ingraham to see what their restorative practices are and collaborate.


  • Christina to send out a list of books to assist in PD for students with anxiety and oppositional behavior in a productive manner. Looking for more strategies to assist students. (Chapter 3 and 4)
  • There will be a cost associated with damaged laptops without explanation, $350
  • Kai and Character Strong will come in to work with staff.
  • Sub Reimbursement- funds are still in the budget. Ask what do we want to do with the extra money? Use for supplies, disburse with staff, etc. Create Wishlist?
  • Headphones for testing, need chargers for iPads. Chargers for iPad and laptops need to distribute this week.
  • Put in newsletter- No LATEX (balloons, etc.) due to allergies!
  • Have inclement weather items ready before we leave for winter break.
  • Salmon Bay Logo- letting students come up with the logo?
  • May cancel December BLT, by January meeting January 8th have the charter, budget needs to be worked in February.


  • Welcome
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • BLT Bylaws
  • CSIP Review
  • Others
    • Class Merging 7/8 
    • Curriculum Night Debrief
    • RET Follow Up on FOSB Diversity Video
    • Conf. Week / Rollout & Expectations of Staff


  • Discussed Salmon Bay Family Handbook
  • Show Beyond Black and White on 10/25 Green Day mtg
  • Have Anita come back in Spring to check in with families or have option to speak with her.
  • Send Racial Equity Tool to new members (use when thinking about decisions we are making as a BLT)
  • Develop a charter in regards to how families respond with student incidents.
  • Create a charter before parent teacher conferences, make a parent night
  • Reviewing Charter and sign during conferences , present before 11/08
  • Ticely, Akash, Ticely, Cynthia Anderson, a middle schooler (WEB Leader), 5th grade input
  • No children on curriculum night, Spring open house
  • Sign up genius for conferences, vote for 22.5 hours of conferences
  • Tours- Jan/Feb
  • Map testing begins today
  • Picture Day Schedule