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Middle School SEP: Week 2

March 21, 2025, 8:50 am - 3:25 pm

Summary : It's time for the Middle School Spring Enrichment Program (SEP)! Please pay for SEP on SchoolPay or request a scholarship.

Every year in March, the Salmon Bay K-8 students get to participate in the Spring Enrichment Program (SEP).

Each year, we set aside 4 Fridays in March and early April for Salmon Bay K-8 students to explore and learn in an entirely different context. This year’s offerings for middle school students include: Wilderness Exploration, Indoor Recreation (Rock Climbing, Bowling, Roller Skating, Ice Skating, Golfing), Ice Skating, Tour Seattle (visiting the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, etc.), Rock Climbing, Parkour, Acrobatics and Circus Arts, Pottery, Indoor Soccer, and Skateboarding.

These programs are paid for by families or by scholarships through Friends of Salmon Bay (FOSB).

If you would like to request a FULL Scholarship, we need to hear from you: Please contact Middle School Counselor Rob Bright at  rabright@seattleschools.org.