Middle School Play: “Attack of the Zombies!”
Summary : There will be two performances of the Middle School Play \"Attack of the Zombies!\" Thursday 1/16 and Friday 1/17 at 7:00 PM.

Middle School Play: “Attack of the Zombies!”
Salmon Bay Middle School Theater Production & Technical Theater Classes Present…
“Attack of the Zombies!”
A comic-horror spoof by Tim Kelly
Get ready for a night of spooky laughs and spine-tingling fun! Join us for a thrilling, yet light-hearted adventure as our talented actors bring the terrifying tale of the undead to life! “Attack of the Zombies!” mixes humor with just the right amount of horror.
Our tech students have worked hard behind the scenes, designing everything from the set and costumes to the props, sound, and lights. Meanwhile, our actors have perfected their most dramatic (and hilarious!) screams of terror. This show is sure to give you chills, without being too gory!
Audience Recommendation: The show is recommended for 4th grade and up. Students will need an adult to attend, so grab a parent or guardian and prepare for a night of spooky entertainment!
There will be two performances:
Thursday, January 16 from 7:00- 8:30 PM
Friday, January 17 from 7:00- 8:30 PM
Both performances will be held in the Salmon Bay Cafetorium.
To get to the Cafetorium, take a left after you enter the second set of doors on 18th Ave NW. The entrance to the Cafetorium will be on your right.
We can’t wait to see you there!